Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Lee Min Ho stands on his own for ‘City Hunter’

Actor Lee Min Ho has successfully stood his own in SBS drama City Hunter which ends on the 28th.
이 민호는 세 번째 주연 드라마 `시티헌터`에서 자신의 존재감을 스스로 증명했다. `시티헌터`는 동명의 만화 원작을 모티브로 한 작품. 원작의 주인공 사에바 료가 워낙 매력적인 캐릭터였기 때문에 이민호가 주연을 맡은 데 대한 기대만큼 우려도 컸던 것이 사실이다.
Lee Min Ho has proved his existence in his third leading role drama ‘City Hunter’ which is modeled after an original manga of the same name. The protagonist of the original manga Saeba Ryo is naturally a charismatic character and brought about much concern when Lee was casted for the role.
그러나 이민호가 연기한 이윤성은 이러한 우려를 씻기에 충분했다. `시티헌터`는 액션을 기반으로 하지만 그 속에 멜로와 코믹, 판타지 등 다양한 장르를 담고 있다. 이민호는 다양한 장르를 자신만의 색깔로 소화, 이민호식 `시티헌터`를 창조하는 데 성공했다.
However, the character Lee Yoon Sung brought alive by Lee Min Ho was sufficient to erase these concerns. Although City Hunter is in its premise an action drama, it also fuses elements such as fantasy, comedy, and melodrama. Lee Min Ho was able to assimilate and create a character that is solely his and his alone successfully.
`시티헌터`는 사실상 이민호의 드라마라 칭할 만 하다. 제목에서 드러나듯 `시티헌터`는 도시의 사냥꾼이 어떻게 성장했는지를 보여주는 것이 주된 줄거리다. 시티헌터 역할을 맡은 이민호의 촬영 분량이 많아질 수밖에 없는 구조.
In fact, ‘City Hunter’ can be rightfully called Lee Min Ho’s drama as it relates the growth of a hunter character in the city. Naturally, Lee Min Ho who appropriates the City Hunter role is involved in a major portion of the filming.
이민호가 앞서 주연을 맡았던 `꽃보다 남자`나 `개인의 취향` 등은 김현중이나 구혜선, 손예진 등 극을 함께 이끌어갈 배우들이 있었다. 그러나 `시티헌터`는 사실상 이민호가 홀로 극을 이끌어가야 했다. 여주인공 김나나 역의 박민영이 “이민호의 분량이 많아 편하게 촬영에 임하고 있다”고 밝혔을 정도다.
In previous projects that Lee Min Ho participated in, such as ‘Boys Over Flowers’ and ‘Personal Taste’, he shared the load with fellow actors and actresses such as Kim Hyun Joong, Gu Hye Seon and Seon Ye Jin. However, ‘City Hunter’ is a project where Lee Min Ho has to lead on his own. Park Min Young who plays the female lead Kim Na Na even said ‘I can film comfortably since Lee Min Ho takes on the bulk part of the show.”

Lee Minho’s autograph is selected by fans as the best kind of autograph

On an episode of KBS’s “Live News Feed” that aired on August 15th, five different autographs were shown and fans voted on their favorite. The signatures included were a comic style (Eric), candid style (Rain), cute style (Go Hyunjung), well wishing remarks style (Lee Minho), and artistic style (Tablo).
Fans voted for the style they like the most, and the well wishing remarks style (Lee Minho) took first place.
The fans who chose his style responded, “It is a unique autograph just for me” and “If he wishes me to get better grades, I feel as if I’ll get straight A’s.”
The fans who chose Go Hyunjung’s autograph did so because of her cute style, and the fans who chose Rain’s autograph liked its simplicity.
Autographs vary greatly according to the stars, but what the fans polled really wanted were the stars’ heartfelt encouragements and kind words.

Lee Min Ho Interviewed by Thousands of Chinese Fans on Weibo

Recently, actor Lee Min Ho held an interview with thousands of chinese fans whom left him more than 130,000 questions over weibo in just one hour. Before the interview, he uploaded a picture on his weibo account saying: “It’s been a while. Are you ready? Let’s go!” and then started replying to the most interesting questions from his fans.
He got to answer from simple questions such as: “How are you oppa?,” “Welcome to Shanghai,” ” Minho is ignoring me,” to which he replied sweet answers like “Your korean is pretty good, i’m doing great thank you!,” “Hello Shanghai, your food is delicious,” “No, never! i will never ignore you.” He also answered questions from his recent drama “City Hunter” and shared a funny history that happened to him while recording the drama in which an elephant spat over him.
Despite the several amount of questions, he tried to answer the most questions he could. Lee Minh Ho also wished luck to all his fans who are taking university exams and also recommended places to visit for those Chinese fans interested in traveling to South Korea. He wrapped up the interview saying, “If i could learn Chinese, I would have replied to a hundred of questions but thank you all for participating!” How sweet from Lee Min Ho!

Winners of the “2011 Korea Drama Awards”

Here is the list of winners:
Daesang: Secret Garden (SBS)
Best Writer: Kim Eun Sook (Secret Garden)
Best Director: Kim Won Suk (Sungkyunkwan Scandal)
Best Actor: Lee Min Ho (City Hunter)
Best Actress: Yeom Jung Ah (Royal Family)
Best Supporting Actor: Joo Sang Wook (Giant, Thorn Bird)
Best Supporting Actress: Lee Yuri (Twinkle Twinkle)
Best Male Newcomer: Kim Soo Hyun (Dream High)
Best Female Newcomer: Im Soo Hyang (New Tales of Giseng, Paradise Ranch)
Cable TV: Jeon Hye Bin (Yacha, OCN)
Popularity Award: Kim Soo Hyun (Dream High)
Hallyu Star Award: Lee Min Ho (City Hunter)

Lee Min Ho talks about not having a “presence”

Lee Min-ho spoke about the time he had no presence.
An interview with Lee Min-ho was shown on MBC’s “Section TV” on November 6th.
He said, “Once, a while ago, I fell asleep while shooting a drama. I woke up and it was past 12 midnight. No one had looked for me because they didn’t notice my absence. I was supposed to feel good after the shoot but I was just bitter”.
Meanwhile, Lee Min-ho was recently chosen as ‘Russia’s Favorite Star’ and also ‘The Actor I Would Like To Be Stranded With’

Hallyu star fan meetings are akin to dramas…

‘단순한 만남을 넘어 이젠 하나의 작품!’
‘It’s not a simple meeting anymore but more of a project!’
한류스타들의 팬 미팅 무대가 점점 진화하고 있다. 악수회, 간단한 토크 등 단순한 이벤트성 팬 미팅이 아니라 최근에는 다양한 무대를 꾸며 또 하나의 한류상품으로 자리잡고 있다. 이를 위한 사전 준비과정은 마치 하나의 완결된 작품을 꾸미듯 치열하기만 하다.
Hallyu star fan meetings are gradually undergoing an evolution. It’s no longer a simple event where you get to shake hands and have a simple talking session. Recently, various stages have been invented and has become yet another hallyu commodity.
중국어권에서 높은 인기를 얻고 있는 이민호(사진)는 그 단적인 사례로 꼽힌다. 이민호는 12 월 초부터 내년 초까지 중국과 대만, 홍콩 등에서 열 아시아 대규모 팬 미팅 무대를 준비하고 있다. 팬 미팅이 열리는 장소와 날짜는 아직 결정되지 않았지만, 이민호는 한층 업그레이드된 모습을 보여주기 위해 한창 연습 중이다.
LMH who has garnered high popularity in the chinese speaking regions is one case in point. He is currently preparing for ten large-scale fan meeting stages to be held from early Dec up til early next year in china, taiwan, hong kong and other places. Not all the locations and dates for the fan meetings have been decided on, but he is currently practicing hard to show an ‘upgraded’ (improved) side to himself.
이민호는 우선 이번 팬미팅의 콘셉트를 “하나의 주제로 이끄는 스토리텔링 형식”으로 정했다. 이를 위해 간단한 인사말을 전하는 것이 아니라 팬들과 어느 정도 대화가 가능한 정도의 수준으로 끌어올리기 위해 중국어 과외를 받고 있다.
Firstly, the concept for the fan meeting this time will be using a story-telling format guided by a single theme/topic. Due to this reason, LMH is receiving private lessons to improve his chinese so he will not be limited to just conveying simple greetings but will be able to converse with fans to a certain extent.
이제 팬미팅에서 빼놓을 수 없는 게 노래. 연기자라고 예외가 아니다. 이민호는 지난달부터 한 인기가수의 보컬 트레이너로부터 교습을 받는 등 시간을 쪼개 팬 미팅과 관련한 치밀한 준비를 하고 있다.
One thing that can’t be omitted from fan meetings are songs. ???????. LMH has been receiving lessons from a popular singer’s vocal trainer since last month. This is amongst the other activities he’s elaborately preparing for.
또 이제껏 한 번도 공개하지 않은 악기 연주 실력도 뽐낼 계획이다. 현재 이 악기 연주법을 배우고 있는 이민호는 구체적인 악기와 노래 제목 등을 공개하지 않고 있다. ‘깜짝 이벤트’를 위해서다.
He also plans to show off his instrumental skills for the first time and is currently learning the instrument. However he’s not revealing the specifics of the instrument nor the song he’s preparing since it is to be a ‘surprise event’.
이민호는 또 사전에 밝힐 수 없는 다채로운 코너를 준비하고 있는 것으로 알려졌다. 짜여진 형식과 진부한 구성으로는 더 이상 팬들에게 다가갈 수 없음은 물론, 사전노출로 인한 흥미가 반감될 수 있다는 우려 때문이다.
It was also revealed that there are other things that he’s preparing for the fan meetings but the details are kept secret. This is because they/he is worried that prior revelation would dampen the anticipation of fans.
이처럼 이민호를 비롯해 류시원, 장근석, 김현중, 현빈, 박시후 등 새롭게 한류를 이끌고 있는 스타들은 팬들과 요리하기, 마술, 무술 실력을 공개하는 등 각기 다양한 시도로 팬 미팅 무대를 준비하고 선보이고 있다.
Besides LMH, other stars such as Ryu shi won, Jang geun suk, Kim hyun joong, Hyun bin, Park shi hoo, etc are including events such as cooking, magic, martial arts in their respective fan meetings.
이 민호의 소속사 스타우스 엔터테인먼트의 관계자는 “팬 미팅이라고 해서 단순히 얼굴만 비추고 돌아오는 정도로는 현지 팬들을 만족시킬 수 없다”며 “현지에 가서 돈을 벌기 위해 왔다는 인상 또한 심어주면 안되기 때문에 이전과는 확연히 다른 모습을 보이려 노력한다”고 설명했다.
Lee Min Ho’s management company, Starhaus Entertainment explained “Local fans won’t be satisfied by just seeing his face at fan meetings. Also, we shouldn’t inculcate the impression that we’ve come merely to earn a profit, so (MH’s) doing his best so that he can present an image different from his previous one (to his fans).

Lee Min Ho’s Official Chinese Fan Meeting Photo Released

The promotional spread for actor Lee Min Ho’s fan meeting tour, produced  in collaboration with Chinese media corporation Huayi Brothers, has  finally been revealed.
Huayi Brothers released the spread on November 17 in Shanghai and Beijing, among other cities.

The words ‘Korea’s popular pin-up actor Lee Min Ho’ are splashed across  the photo that features a smiling Lee. Unlike the charismatic character  he played in SBS’ City Hunter, the photo highlights the actor’s softer side. Lee will hold fan meetings in Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing and Xiamen.
A representative from Huayi Brothers said, “We shot hundreds of photos  capturing the many sides of Lee Min Ho for fans, and this was the photo  we chose for the spread.”
Lee will embark on his four-city fan meeting tour in December, where he  plans to sing and dance for his fans. In an interview he was quoted as  saying, “I invited a vocal trainer as well as a dance trainer and  rehearsed intensely.” He added, “Although I’m not very flexible, I’m  working really hard. I’m excited.”
The actor, who has amassed more than two million fans, has enjoyed great popularity because of his appearance in City Hunter, which went off the air in July

Amazing Love story.. paired in drama and became Real Couple!!

City Hunters two of the main cast Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young confirmed that they are a real couple.
Lee Min Ho played the role of Lee Yoon Sung in the drama while Park Min Young played the role of Kim Na Na. The two known each other for years. Their Agencies confirmed last August 23 that the two had been dating for a month. According to Min Ho’s Agency Starhaus Entertainment that when they are together you can feel their interest to each other, to make it more simple you can feel their feelings towards each other. Min Young’s Agency King Kong Entertainment also added that while filming the two have already developing their feelings to each other and after the filming there it is, it’s already confirm that they are an item.
Lee Min Ho started his career in the drama “Boys Over Flowers” where he played the role of Gu Jun Pyo. That drama gave him the “BIG BREAK” in the Entertainment Industry. He really portray the character very well. He was awarded as the “BEST NEW ACTOR AWARD” at the 2009 KBS Drama Awards and at the 2009 45th Baeksang Arts Awards he got the same title.
Park Min Young became a star actress on the drama Sungkyunkwan Scandal where she played the role of Kim Yoon Hee. the drama aired last year. She receives awards such as Excellence Award, Novella Drama – Actress, Netizens’ Award at the 2010 KBS Drama Awards.
Before the City Hunter the couple were also in the drama I AM SAM. Min Young played the main role while Min Ho played the supporting role. Well, I guess that’s the time that they begun developing such feelings and grows stronger as they both starred in the drama City Hunter. Lee Min Ho is one of my favorite Hallyu star I’m so happy for him as a fan. Just like what I feel for the other Star Couples like Se7en and Park Han Byul, Yong Jun Hyung (BEAST) and Goo Hara (KARA). I wish them all happiness and I really wish that their relationship grow strong as time passes by. I’ll be forever giving them support and love.

Lee Min Ho & Moon Geun Young delay graduation

On January 17th, it was revealed that both Lee Min Ho and Moon Geun Young will not be wearing their graduation caps this February, because of their busy filming schedules in 2011.
A representative from Lee Min Ho’s entertainment replied, “Since Lee Min Ho was busy filming for last year’s drama ‘City Hunter’, he couldn’t complete his school courses, delaying his graduation. Lee Min Ho tried making up his alternative assignments but because he missed so many classes, he needs to take another semester”.
A representative from Moon Geun Young’s label also replied, “Moon Geun Young wanted to graduate this February, but because of her temporarily leave and acting activities, she will not be able to graduate in February. I believe she is 8 credits short (of graduation)”.
Lee Min Ho has been attending Konkuk University and majoring in the Department of Cinematic Arts, while Moon Geun Young has been attending Sung Kyun Kwan University majoring in Korean literature.
Juggling school and work is a very hard task , so good luck to everyone doing so!

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Lee Min Ho Terus Kebanjiran Job

Aktor Korea Terpopuler di Perancis
Melalui sebuah polling yang digelar Dramas Mangas Sensei (DMS), Lee Min Ho dinobatkan sebagai Aktor Korea Paling Populer di Perancis. Dari total tiga puluh dua aktor, mantan kekasih Park Min Young ini keluar sebagai pemenang dengan jumlah voting 26,71%. Dengan presentase 24,75%, serial City Hunter juga dinobatkan sebagai Serial Terbaik dari tiga puluh tiga serial Korea. DMS merupakan situs populer mengenai Korean Wave. Hingga kini, situs tersebut sudah dikunjungi lebih dari dua puluh juta orang. Melalui voting online, DMS menentukan serial dan aktor terpopuler Korea sepanjang tahun 2011.
Di Eropa, City Hunter sudah ditayangkan GongTV setiap hari Minggu sejak 11 Desember lalu. Di sisi lain, serial Boys Before Flowers juga ditayangkan KZTV. Selanjutnya, City Hunter akan ditayangkan di beberapa negara Asia. Dimulai dari Taiwan pada Desember lalu, serial ini sudah ditayangkan di Filipina pada Januari, dan berlanjut di Jepang mulai 6 Februari lalu.
Kembali Dipasangkan dengan YoonA Girls’ Generation
Salah satu perusahaan kosmetik terkemuka Korea, Innisfree baru saja menunjuk Min Ho sebagai model iklan produk kosmetik pria. Dengan begitu, aktor berusia 25 tahun ini akan dipasangkan kembali dengan YoonA Girls’ Generation untuk mempromosikan produk kosmetik Innisfree. Sebelumnya, mereka sudah pernah bekerja sama sebagai model iklan Eider. Mengingat popularitas Min Ho, pihak Innisfree berharap bisa meningkatkan pasar produk kosmetik mereka. Sebagai salah satu aktor papan atas Korea, aktor serial Personal Taste ini memang sangat populer di luar negeri. Terbukti, Min Ho memiliki 4,5 juta fans di Facebook dan 2,8 juta fans di Weibo……………

Pelukan Mesra Lee Min Ho dan Yoona SNSD di Iklan Eider

Keduanya tampak menghayati adegan pelukan di tengah hujan itu, yang diambil untuk iklan terbaru mereka, Eider.

Kemesraan dan rupanya berlanjut. Setelah foto-foto iklan Eider mereka muncul beberapa waktu lalu, kini pose-pose barunya beredar.

Tampak Lee Min Ho dan Yoona beradegan mesra sambil memakai jaket dengan model yang sama. Keduanya berpelukan mesra di tengah guyuran hujan. Dalam foto itu, Lee Min Ho dan Yoona terlihat menghayati adegan itu.

Keduanya menampilkan ekspresi wajah sedih dan rindu seakan tak mau melepaskan pelukan satu sama lainnya. Para fans pun berkomentar positif melihat adegan tersebut. "Yoona dan Min Ho terlihat hebat bersama, akting mereka sangat bagus," ujar salah seorang fans.

Rencananya, keseluruhan iklan tersebut akan dirilis Maret mendatang. Saat ini, Yoona sedang sibuk syuting serial barunya bersama , "Love Rain". Sedangkan Lee Min Ho dikabarkan baru saja menolak peran dokter di serial "Faith".

Lee Min Ho n Park Min Young Break Up?

Park Min Young Break Up?

Berita ini di release beberapa bulan yg lalu.. tapi baru sempet di post sekrang.. sibuk c.. hhee.. Enjoyyy Guyss..
  Setelah spekulasi dan rumor. Agensi mereka akhirnya angkat bicara.
Agensi Park Min Young yang pertama sekali menyatakan pada pernyataan resmi sebelumnya, mengatakan.” Sudah lama sejak terlihat mereka bersama, memalukan untuknya untuk pergi dan mengungkapkan perpisahan mereka. Dan dia tidak mau mengikut sertakan agensinya pada masalah ini. Jadi, dia menyimpan berita ini sedikit lama. juga, karna skedulnya yang padat, sangat tidak mungkin untuknya untuk beristirahat. Dia berperan dalam KBS “Glorious jane” film sementara Lee Min Ho sibuk dengan aktifitasnya di luar negri dan CF. Kita tahu bahwa mereka berdua sangat sibuk untuk mengisi waktu bersama.
Lee Min Ho agensi Starhaus tetap diam mengenai apakah pasangan selebriti ini benar-benar berpisah dan memutuskan untuk menunggu untuk mengkonfirmasi pemberitahuan. Seorang wakil dari starhaus,”Lee Min Ho dan Park Min Young kembali  menjadi teman dan memang sudah berpisah”
Park min young agensi menambahkan ketika diminta mengkonfirmasi berita tersebut” berita tentang perpisahan mereka memang benar”. Agensi mereka masing-masing mengungkapkan “ walaupun keduanya bertemu selama drama “City Hunter” dimana mereka saling jatuh cinta, skedul mereka yang padat membuat mereka sering bertemu. Tampaknya bahwa mereka secara alami semakin terpisah. “
Penjelasan selanjutnya “lee min ho mengupayakan kegiatan promosi luar negri segera setelah ‘City Hunter’ berakhir sementara park minyoung sibuk dengan film barunya’Glorious Jane’, dan karna  keadaan ini mereka jadi tidak bisa menghabiskan waktu bersama”.
Lee Min Ho dan Park Min Young bermain sebagai pemeran utama di SBS drama “City Hunter” dan hubungan mereka berubah dari teman kerja menjadi sepasang kekasih.
Berita akan hubungan mereka terungkap agustus lalu.

Ternyata Wajah Lee Min Ho Boys Before Flowers Adalah Hasil Operasi Plastik?

Disini kamu bisa menemukan foto Lee Min Ho sebelum operasi plastik, berita Lee Min Ho melakukan operasi plastik, gosip Lee Min Ho operasi plastik, semua tentang Lee Min Ho Boys Before Flowers.

Mungkin ini berita yang mengejutkan bagi para penggemar serial TV Korea, Boys Before Flowers, khususnya para penggemar Lee Min Ho. Belakangan beredar kabar bahwa wajah tampan Lee Min Ho yang bisa dinikmati sekarang ini adalah hasil operasi plastik (Lee Min Ho plastic surgery). Dari foto-foto di atas terlihat wajah Lee Min Ho sebelum operasi plastik, yakni foto-foto Lee Min Ho saat ia masih SMA dan sebelum Lee Min Ho melakukan operasi plastik. Anda bisa membandingkan nya dari bentuk hidung dan bibirnya. Dari foto Lee Min Ho sebelum dan sesudah operasi plastik terlihat bentuk hidung dan bibir Lee Min Ho berbeda. Foto-foto wajah Lee Min Ho sebelum dan sesudah operasi plastik pun terlihat berbeda. Lee Min Ho sendiri belum mengakui kebenaran berita ini, namun dari foto-foto yang beredar cukup meyakinkan publik bahwa Lee Min Ho memang benar melakukan operasi plastik (plastic surgery). Lantas bagaimana dengan Kim Bum atau Kim Joon? Apakah mereka juga melakukan operasi plastik?.
Buat para penggemar Lee Min Ho, saya mohon maaf, berita ini bukan bermaksud untuk menjelekkan ataupun memojokkan Lee Min Ho. Namun saya hanya mencoba berbagi informasi dengan kalian semua. Dan menurut saya pribadi hal ini memang sudah lumrah dilakukan di Korea dimana banyak sekali orang-orang Korea yang melakukan operasi plastik demi terlihat cantik atau tampan, bahkan sampai berkali-kali. Jadi untuk apa dipermasalahkan, toh kalaupun benar Lee Min Ho melakukan operasi plastik hasilnya juga terlihat sempurna kan? buktinya banyak sekali penggemarnya sampai sekarang. Yang terpenting dari seorang aktris atau aktor adalah kemampuan beraktingnya, kalaupun mereka ingin memperbaiki penampilan mereka dengan operasi plastik tentunya hal itu juga dilakukan dengan penuh pertimbangan bukan? dan yang pastinya untuk mendukung karir mereka.

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

10 Cara Menjadi Pacar Seorang Lee Min Ho

Pastinya punya wajah secakep Lee Min Ho dengan gampang dapetin cewek , tapi di balik itu semua doi punya cewek idamannya. contek yuk , siap tau kamu salah satunya?

1.Harus pintar masak kayak nyokapnya.
2.Nggak terlalu tingi badannya. kalo bisa mungil.
3.Punya kulit bersih dan bercahaya.
4.Independent girl , alias mandiri , nggak manja.
5.Punya tampang cute dan innocent.
6.Percaya diri dan punya style sendiri alias nggak suka ikutikutan gaya orang.
7.Punya rambut panjang kayak (Sally Eda Merciana , hhehhehehe gak dinkkk !) Song Hye Kyo.
8.Mesti Pinter ngelucu dan selalu cheerfull.
9.Simple alias nggak neko neko dan jadi diri sendiri , apa adanya.
10.Cewek tegas yang selalu tau kapan ngambil keputusan yang tepat